Christmas with P.J. (1965)
Liberty / Mono #LEP 2239
- Christmas Song (Merry Chrismas To You)
- Silent Night
- White Christmas
- Rain On Snow
"The songs for this festive E.P were recorded during the making of Proby's "P.J. Proby...In Town" album, with exception of "Rain On Snow" which was cut during the making of Proby previous album "P.J. Proby"."
This one was not available in Holland, only by special import!
After the Christmas of 65 many Christmasses followed, melting away again and again like "Rain On Snow". However, there are some Probyans that definitely don't like this song, much to my surprise.
My second choice from this EP would be the Christmas Song!
"Christmas Song" and "White Christmas" are included on the CD
"Yesterday Has Gone" (part 2 of a 2CD set).
I would like to find that vinyl EP
to be released again as a CD.The shops are still selling Bing Crosby´s version of "White Christmas".
Is it not time for EMI to let Proby´s version be classic ?
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